Mission and objectives of Trade Co-operative University of Moldova
TCUM vision is to promote education, based on innovative scientific research, subordinated to the needs of society and oriented to the community development.
The mission of the Trade Co-operative University of Moldova is to create, harness and disseminate knowledge through the development of a performant environment of initial and continuing professional training and research for the members of the University (academic) community able to strengthen their national leadership position in education by forming a powerful academic community with an organizational culture based on excellence, in which attraction, development and promotion of teaching and scientific values prevail.
The TCUM vision connects itself to becoming a strong educational and research centre in the field of commerce and economics and consumer co-operatives through:
• creating, preserving and disseminating knowledge at the highest level of excellence, enhancing universal knowledge, preserving, developing and passing the thesaurus of knowledge to future generations;
• training of highly qualified professionals who are competitive on the national and international labour market in accordance with the needs of the national economy and consumer co-operatives, are creative and responsible as well, with critical thinking skills and with the ability to identify, understand and solve problems related to the socio-economic development;
• promoting fundamental and applied research in line with the requirements of knowledge-based society, in order to contribute to the progress of knowledge and dissemination of knowledge, promoting learning through research;
• creating opportunities for professional lifelong learning;
• concluding sustainable partnerships with other educational institutions and with the business environment nationally and internationally;
• preserving, developing and promoting national cultural and historical values in the context of cultural diversity.