Homologation Fiche
Thanks for accessing the official website of the Trade Cooperative University of Moldova, an institution established by the Government of the Republic of Moldova Decision No.376 of 22 June 1993, under the name of "Trade Cooperative University of Moldova”.
Trade Cooperative University of Moldova - the current name, dating from 1993 has provided dozens of generations of specialists in the field of trade, contributing to the affirmation and development of education, science and culture in our country.
Trade Cooperative University of Moldova is identified by:
- Registered office: Gagarin Blvd., 8, postal code MD 2001, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
- Abbreviation: UCCM (TCUM)
- Institution Day: is celebrated annually on June 24, by scientific, cultural and sport events. The anniversaries are celebrated organizing anniversary events.
- Official website of Trade Cooperative University of Moldova is www.uccm.md
- approved Logo
We hope that the information we provide through this website will constitute an argument in favor of your present or future option, to become beneficiaries of our University services!