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 Department of finances and banks  

Head of department:  FUIOR Elena assoc. prof, PhD  

Tel. (+373 22) 815-636
office 405/II
   The department “Banks and Finances” is responsible to prepare specialists of high qualification at the specialties “Finances” specializations “Finances and assurances”, “Finances and firm’s accounting”, “Banks and stock exchange”

Beginning with 2006/2007 the department assures the preparation of staff for the 1st cycle (license) at the specialty Banks and Finances which allows to prepare specialists capable to organize the business activity, to rationalize the management of financial funds and of credits; to apply methods of managing the financial resources at enterprise and within banking and non-banking financial institutions; to evaluate and efficiently manage the financial resources; to elaborate strategies of managing the banking activities, to suggest methods of making efficient the activity of banking system.

Speciality Finance and banking

1. Currency and credit

2. Enterprise’s finances

3. Basics of  banking activity

4. Financial management of enterprise

5. Finances

6. Bank’s policies

7. Operations and banking techniques

8. Fiscal methods and techniques

9. Financial estimation of enterprise

10. Management of risks

11. Basics of capital markets

12. Basics of investment activity

13. Currency-financial relations


Master Program: Specialization Financial Banking Administration

1. Managerial Finance

2. Evaluation of investment projects

3. Fiscal Activity

5. Public Finance

6. Evaluation of enteprise’s assets

7. Financial planning of enteprise

8. Performance management and banking risks

9. Management of insurance activity

10. Technique of stock operations

11. Policies and budgeting techniques

12. Competitive policies on financial market



The department’s theme of research:

- the reformation of the financial mechanism of consumer co-operative enterprises’ activity;

- the improvement of financial mechanism of formation and using the patrimony of the Consumer Co-operation from Moldova