Senate of Trade Co-operative University of Moldova
The university Senate represents the university community and guarantees academic freedom and university autonomy, and is the supreme governing body of the Trade Co-operative University of Moldova (TCUM).
The Senate is made up of representatives of the university management, the teaching-teaching and scientific staff, the representatives of students, masters and doctoral students. The composition of the Senate includes 21 members, of whom 5 are students, master's and doctoral students.
Senate is guided in its activity by the legislation and normative acts in force of the Republic of Moldova, the decisions of the governing bodies of the of Cooperatives, the Statute of the University, and the decisions of the Board of Directors of the University.
Senate is headed by the President, Vice President, and Scientific Secretary of the Senate — persons who organize and direct its work.
President of the Senate TCUM - Larisa Şavga, rector TCUM, dr. hab., prof. univ.;
Secretary of the SenateTCUM – Liliana Cibuc, conf. univ. dr.
For the examination in the period between the sittings of the Senate of the important issues related to the instructive-educational, scientific and didactic-methodical activity of the University under the rector and under his presidency from the composition of the Senate, the Senate Bureau is created. Members of the Senate Bureau are the rector (president), the vice-rectors and the scientific secretary of the Senate.