Department of Marketing, trade and tourism
Head of department : Pituşcan Fedosie, assoc prof., PhD
tel: (+373 22) 27-26-33,
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office 405/II
The department Marketing, trade and tourism was founded in 1993. The department is responsible for preparing specialists at the specialties: Marketing logistics and Tourism
1. Marketing basics 2. Organization and technology of services 3. Service marketing 4. The tehnical-material base of the commercial enterprise marketing 5. International economic transactions 6. Organization and technology of commerce 7. Logistics' basis 8. International marketing 9. Annual thesis on trade’s organization and technology 10. Consumer goods' marketing 11. Logistics in the activity branch 12. Basis of entrepreneurship / Electronic commerce 13. Thesis on Logistics in the activity branch 15. The material-technical basis of the aquisitions-agro-food production enterprises 16. The organization and technology of acquisitions 17. Marketing/The organization and technic of public acquisitions 18. Agricultural marketing 19. Marketing 20. Logistics and electronic trade 21. Marketing of catering 22. The technical-material basis of the hotel enterprise 23. Organising and technology of touristic services 24. Entertainment services / Trips organization 25. Rural tourism 26. The tourism marketing 27. International tourism 28. Urban tourism 29. The technic of tourism operations
The general theme of the scientific research of the chair: The foundamentation of modernizing trade and consumer co-operation from the perspective of their involvement on the durable socio-economic development and consumers’ protection.