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 Department of science of commodities, technology and expertise of goods



Head of department:  ARTIOMOV Laurentia assoc prof, PhD in biology 

tel: (+373 22) 815-647

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


This chair is responsible for preparing highly qualified specialists for the specialties 541.1 Technology and management of public catering and 541.2 Technology of food products for the 1st cycle (license) and the 2nd  cycle (master)

At the end of studies the graduators obtain the title of licensed engineer and master in technologies of production and processing. The licensed graduators of these specialties have the following possibilities of employment: at public catering enterprises (restaurants, bars, canteens, culinaries) as director, manager, chief of production, engineer-technologist, cook at private and state public catering. 

  1. The chemistry of public nourishment products I, II
  2. Microbiology, hygiene and sanitary
  3. Theoretical basis of the technology of public catering products
  4. Biochemistry
  5. The basis of nutrition and nourishment
  6. Technology of public catering products I, II, III
  7. Processes and appliances in the food-stuff industry
  8. Technology  of pastry and confectionary products
  9. Technique and technology of fridging
  10. Technological equipment
  11. Organization and management of production and food service in catering units
  12. The inofencivity of  raw materials and of food products
  13. Basis of building and fitting out public nourishment units
  14. Art of culinary products, decoration and presenting
  15. Food  and biologically active supplements
  16. Toxicology
  17. Technological projection of public catering units
  18. Technical-chimical control of  food  products
  19. Curative alimentation
  20. Basis of industrial technologies
  21. Automatisation of production processes
  22. The chemistry and  chemical methods of goods research
  23. Basis of agricultural products processing technology I, II
  24. Technical-chimical control. 



  The domains of scientific research: experimental confirmation of the evolutionary principle of the cell fruits reserves immobilization at the  microscopic and submicroscopic level on the Cucurbitaceae family example, the study of nonmorphogenic   callus induced from the   apple fruit seeds, reserch of structural and biochemical aspects of interaction between the  toxigenic fungi and  fruits in order to ensure food safety.