Department of Accounting and Audit
Head of department: CĂPAȚÎNĂ Sofia, PhD
Tel. (+373 22) 815-635,
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office 402/II
The graduators of the University at the specialty 361.1 Accounting obtain the license diploma (3 years at the 1st cycle) and master diploma (2 years at the 2nd cycle), based on which they can continue the doctorate studies.
Speciality Accounting 1. The basics of accounting 2. Financial accounting (I) 3. Financial accounting (II) 4. Financial accounting (III) 5. Trade accounting 6. Tax accounting 7. Accounting standards 8. Budget and banking accounting 9. The analysis of financial-economic activities 10. Management Accounting 11. Operative analisys 12. Accounting’s organization 13. Control and financial audit 14. Accounting automation 15.Accounting in branches Master Program: Specialization Accounting in trade 1. History and theory of bookkeeping 2. Thorough Financial Accounting I 3. Managerial Accounting 4. National and international accounting standards 5. Thorough Financial Accounting II 6. Research Analysis 7. Accounting in international and domestic trade 8. Accounting in food production enterprises 9. Advanced Auditing 10. Policy and organization of accounting and business reporting 11. Comparative Analysis
The general theme of the chair “The efficiency of Moldova’s consumer co-operative activity in conditions of competitive economy”.