Project “Domestic trade and consumer cooperatives development in the context of economic integration of the Republic of Moldova in the European Community”
Project “Domestic trade and consumer cooperatives development in the context of economic integration of the Republic of Moldova in the European Community” (15.817.06.28A), Larisa SAVGA, Prof., PhD.
The overall goal of the project is to research the problems related to the alignment of the domestic trade activities and consumer cooperatives to the European regulations and practices (through the Association Agreement and Free Trade Agreement) to ensure a balance of the domestic market, increase the social responsibility of the mentioned sectors, the impact on the economic development of the country and on the quality of life; strengthening the research institution’s capacity for the above purpose of this study through the research infrastructure and human recourses development.
The study of the problems related to the goal of the project will be based on the application of a complex methodology, the comparative analysis and brainstorming playing an important role. Collaboration with the research institutions and university centers within the country and from abroad will be held to fulfill the project’s objectives.
The relevance of the project consists of the development of theoretical framework and methodology in the domain of the domestic market and of the trade activities in order to assure priority of the economic science in relation to trade practices; analysis and justification of the trade policies’ improvement proposals, of the trade and cooperatives regulatory framework through the perspective of European legislation; improvement of the competitive environment and competition evaluation; improvement the goods' market access and their compliance to the requirements; consultancy to partners and beneficiaries of the project in the implementation of the harmonized regulations; fortifying the research capacity through the existing institutional infrastructure development and establishing of the Center of research, innovation and technology transfer in trade; promoting the education based on research through the development of education programs and updating the university curricula; extensive involvement of youth in research; maintaining an efficient dialogue with the business and public environment and transferring innovations toward it.
Applicability of research results: in domain of regulation and administration, business, education and research. The results will have an applied character due to the priority of economic integration of the country in the European Community trade aria and of the limited research in this domain.
Beneficiaries: central authorities; economic agents; researchers, professors, students; consumers; civil society.