Scientific publications
Results of research and innovation activity, obtained by UCCM during its 22 years, were possible due to the intellectual effort of teaching and research academic staff, visible through numerous publications - monographs, articles in reviewed journals in the country and abroad, communications at scientific forums etc.
Manuals dictionaries, teaching and methodological papers (national / international)
FUIOR, E., GANEA, V., CUŞNIR, C. Finanţele întreprinderii.// The finances of the enterprise. Chişinău: Tip. UCCM, 2014. 466 p. ISBN 978-9975-114-85-1.
GRAUR, E. Istoria şi teoria cooperației de consum. //The history and theory of consumer cooperatives. Chişinău: Tip. UCCM, 2014. 172 p. ISBN 978-6675-114-96-7.
GRAUR E. Management. Chişinău: Tip. UCCM, 2014. 512 p. ISBN 978-9975-114-97-4.
PETROVICI, S., MUŞTUC, S. Marketing: curs universitar. // Marketing: university course. Ed. a 2-a, rev. şi ad. Chişinău: Tip. UCCM, 2014. 512 p. ISBN 978-9975-114-86-8.
Articles in the other national journals
CARAGANCIU, G., CARAGANCIU, Iu. Network and public goods in network economics, web market perspective. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014, (1), 84-91. ISSN 2345-1424.
CUŞNIR, C. New ways to ensure financial development of consumer co-operatives. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014. 1(1), 92-98. ISSN 2345-1424.
CĂPĂŢÎNĂ, S. Methodological basis in the development of professional competence of accounting students. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014, 1(1), 62-68. ISSN 2345-1424.
FUIOR, E., MAXIM, I. Competitive environment on the financial - banking market of the Republic of Moldova. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014, 1(1), 17-26. ISSN 2345-1424.
FUIOR, E., GUŢAN, V. Major trends in preschool education funding in the Republic of Moldova. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014, 1(1), 69-76. ISSN 2345-1424.
GUTAN, V., TUHARI, T. Accounting and tax depreciation of fixed assets: methodological problems and ways to solve them. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014, 1(1), 77-83. ISSN 2345-1424.
MALECA, I., FULGA, V. The economic and accounting approach to services. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014, 1(1), 36-44. ISSN 2345-1424.
MAXIM, I., VOCHITA, O. Basic aspects for modeling the best operating practice for the transferability of investment economic benefits. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014, 1(2), 105-114. ISSN 2345-1424.
MORARU, S., CAZACU, A., RAEVSKAIA, I. Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility of Food Manufacturers in the Emerging National Agricultural Market. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014. 1(1), 44-54. ISSN 2345-1424.
MORARU, S., CAZACU, A., RAEVSKAIA, I. The Reform of Agrobusiness Sector of the Republic of Moldova in the Transition Period. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014, 1(1), 90-98. ISSN 2345-1424.
PETROVICI, S. Improvement of price formation mechanism in public eating establishments. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014, 1(1), nr. 1, 99-104. ISSN 2345-1424.
ŞAVGA, L., DANDARA, L. Analysis of legislative framework of the consumer co-operatives activity and visions of its improving. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development. 2014, 2014, 1(2), 71-82. ISSN 2345-1424.
ŞAVGA, L., MELINTE, C. The experience and opportunity of implementation of research-based academic education at Trade Co-operative University of Moldova. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development, 2014, 2014. 1(1), 7-16. ISSN 2345-1424.
ŞAVGA, L., ŢURCANU, S., SITNICENCO, V., PĂNUŢĂ, A. Modern trends and strategic guidelines for the development of domestic trade. Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development, 2014. 2014. 1(2), 7-23. ISSN 2345-1424.
Materiale/Teze ale comunicărilor la congrese, conferinţe (nationale/internaţionale)
Materials/Theses at congresses, (national/international) conferences
CĂPĂȚÎNĂ, S. Conceptul de competenţă profesională a studentului contabil. In: Predarea-învăţarea contabilităţii în contextul noilor reglementări: conf. naţ. didactico-şt., 27 febr.//The concept of professional competence of accountant student. In: Teaching-learning of accountancy in the context of new regulation: teaching scientific national conference, February 27, 2014. Chişinău, 2014.
CĂPĂŢÎNĂ, S. Fundamente ale formării competenţei profesionale la studenţii contabili. In: Cooperarea dintre mediul universitar și organismele profesionale: soluţii şi oportunităţi în dezvoltarea durabilă a profesiei contabile: conf. intern., 4 apr.//Basics of professional competences of accountant students. In: Cooperation between academia and professional bodies: solutions and opportunity in lasting development of accounting profession: International conference, April 4, 2014. Chişinău: ASEM, 2014, pp. 30-33.
CĂPĂȚÎNĂ, S. Paradigme ale contabilităţii.//Paradigms of accounting. In: Public responsibility in education: 5th Intern. Symp. Constanţa: CRIZON, 2013, pp. 207-211.
CHIHAI, M. Indicii biochimici de calitate a unor soiuri de mere, cultivate pe teritoriul Republica Moldova. In: Genetica, fiziologia şi ameliorarea plantelor: materialele conf. şt. intern., ed. a 5-a, 23-24 oct. 2014.//Quality biochemical indices of some varieties of apples grown in the Republic of Moldova. In: Genetics, physiology and plant breeding: material of international scientific conference, 5thedition, October 23-24, 2014. Chişinău, 2014, pp. 61-65.
FUIOR, E., MAXIM, I., CĂRARE, P. Competitive environment in the banking sector in the Republic of Moldova: characteristics and perspectives. In: Contemporary Issues In Economy & Technology: Intern. sci. and professional conf. CIET, 2014, Split, Croatia, June 19 -22, 2014, pp. 27-36.
MALECA, I., FULGA, V. Viziuni privind investițiile imobiliare în condițiile noilor reglementări contabile. In: Cooperarea dintre mediul universitar şi organismele profesionale: soluții şi oportunități în dezvoltarea durabilă a profesiei contabile: conf. intern., 4 apr. 2014.// Visions on properties investment under new accounting regulations. In: Cooperation between academia and professional bodies: solutions and opportunities in sustainable development of the accounting profession: international conference, April 4, 2014. Chişinău: ASEM, 2014, pp. 153-156.
MELINTE, C., TCACIUC, C. The Experience and the Opportunity of Implementation of the Research - Based Academic Education on Corporate Social Responsibility of Co-Operative Enterprises. In: Contemporary Issues In Economy & Technology: Intern. sci. and professional conf. CIET, 2014, Split, Croatia, June 19 -22, 2014, pp. 82-91.
PETROVICI, S., TĂZLĂVAN, D. Strategia competitivă în alimentaţia publică şi direcţii de realizare a acesteia. In: 60 de ani de învăţământ economic superior din Moldova prin inovare şi competitivitate: materialele conf., 27-28 sept. 2013.// Competitive strategy in public catering and directions for achieving this. In: 60 years of economic higher education from Moldova through innovation and competitiveness: materials of conference, September 27-28, 2014. Chişinău: ASEM, 2014, pp. 109-111.
PITUŞCAN, F. Etapele elaborării companiilor de publicitate eficiente. In: Conferinţa ştiinţifică a colaboratorilor, doctoranzilor şi studenţilor, 15-23 noiem. 2013.// The steps of elaboration of efficient advertising companies. In: Scientific conference of collaborators, PhD students, students, November 15-23, 2014. Chişinău: Ed. Tehnica, UTM, 2014.
SEICIUC, V. Computing algorithms for approximate solving of some nonlinear singular integral equations with Carleman moved shift. In: The 22th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM-2014), Bacău, 18-21 sept., 2014. p. 18.
SEICIUC, V. On approximate solving of some nonlinear singular integral equations with Car leman moved shift. In: 4th. International Hahn Conference dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Hans Hahn, Chernivtsy, Ukraine, June 30 - July 5, 2014, p. 255-256.
SEICIUC, E., CARMOCANU, G., SEICIUC, V. On Intelligent Support System in solving of integral equations of second kind. In: The 22th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM-2014), Bacău, Sept. 18-21, 2014, p. 19.
SEICIUC, V., SEICIUC, E. Particularităţile elaborării cursului “Teoria probabilităţilor şi statistica matematică” pe platforma electronică MOODLE. In: CRUNT-2014: Bunele practici de instruire E-Learning/Online: conf.: culeg. de art.,24-27 sept. 2014.//Peculiarities of course elaboration “The theory of probability and mathematic statistics” on the MOODLE electronic platform. In: CRUNT-2014: Good education practices of E-Learning/Online: conference: articles collection, September 24-27, 2014. Chişinău, 2014. pp. 282-283.
ŞARGU, L., FEDORCIUCOVA, S. Aspecte conceptuale ale calităţii. In: Strategii şi politici de management în economia contemporană: conf. naţ. cu participare intern., ed. a 3-a, 28-29 mar. 2014.//The conceptual aspects of quality. In: Strategy and management policy in the contemporary economy: National conference with international participation, 3rd edition, March 28-29, 2014. Chişinău: ASEM, 2014, 354 p.
ŞAVGA, L., APOPII, V. Development of Domestic Trade in a Globalized Economy. In: Contemporary Issues In Economy & Technology: Intern. sci. and professional conf. CIET, 2014, Split, Croatia, June 19-22, 2014, pp. 101-109.
ŞAVGA, L., SITNICENCO, V., PĂNUŢĂ, A., ŢURCANU, S. Tendencies and Strategic Priorities of Developing Domestic Trade. In: Contemporary Issues In Economy & Technology: Intern. sci. and professional conf. CIET, 2014, Split, Croatia, June 19-22, 2014, pp. 39-46.
TROFIMOV, V., MELINTE, C. Economic and social problems related to migration processes and the role of the associative sector in addressing them (the case of Republic of Moldova). In: Contemporary Issues In Economy & Technology: Intern. sci. and professional conf. CIET, 2014, Split, Croatia, June, 9 -22, 2014, pp. 47-57.
TUHARI, T. Adaptarea reformei contabile în procesul de predare-învățare și activitatea practică. In: Importanța modernizării învățământului universitar și a instruirii profesionale continue în asigurarea profesionalismului contabililor și a funcționarilor fiscali: a 2-a conf. şt. intern. dedicată Zilei Internaționale a Contabilului, 4 apr. 2014.//Adaptation of accounting reform in the academic process and practice activity. In: The importance of modernizing of academic education and of continuous professional training in the insurance of professionalism of accountants and of fiscal workers: The 2nd international scientific conference dedicated to International Accounting Day, April 4, 2014. Bălți, 2014.
TUHARI, T. Managementul informațional și contabilitatea. In: Predarea-învăţarea contabilităţii în contextul noilor reglementări: conf. naţ. didactico-şt., 27 febr. 2014.//The informational management and accountancy. In: Educational process of accountancy in the context of new regulations: National educational scientific conference, February 27, 2014. Chişinău, 2014.
TUHARI, T. Raportarea managerială în cadrul controlului intern. In: Cooperarea dintre mediul universitar și organismele profesionale: soluții și oportunități în dezvoltarea durabilă a profesiei contabile: conf. intern., 4 apr. 2014.//Management report in the intern control. In: Cooperation between academic field and professional bodies: solutions and opportunities in the lasting development of accounting profession: international conference, April 4, 2014. Chişinău: ASEM, 2014, pp. 250 –257.
ФУЛГА,В., МАЛЕКА, И. Вопросы качества документального оформления торговых операций на предприятиях потребительской кооперации. В: Бухгалтерський облік в управлінні підприємством: проблеми теорії та практики: матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ.Iнтернет-конф.,Полтава, 20-23 жовт. 2014//Issues of quality of elaborating documents of trade operations on enterprises of consumer cooperation. In: Accounting in enterprise management: problems of theory and practice: material of International scientific-practice Internet conference, Poltava, October 20-23, 2014. c. 40-47.
ШАВГА, Л., ПИВЕНЬ, А. Направления совершенствования университетской информационной системы в Молдове и Украине в соответствии с европейскими стандартами качества oбразования. В: 10-яМіжнароднанаукова-методичнаконф.: тезидоп. Суми, 13–14 листопада 2014// Directions of perfection of the university information system in Moldova and Ukraine according to European quality standards of education. In: The 10th International scientific-methodical Conf.: these suppl. amounts, November 13-14, 2014, с. 8-12.
ШАВГА, Л., ШЕРБАН, Н., СИТНИЧЕНКО, В., ПЭНУЦЭ, А. Современное состояние и стратегические направления развития внутренней торговли Республики Молдова. В: Мережевий бізнес и внутрішня торгівля Украiни та країн СНД: 4-я Міжнар. наук.-практ. Інтернет-конф., Полтава, 16–17 квіт. 2014// The current state and strategic directions of development of internal trade of the Republic of Moldova. In: Network business and domestic trade of Ukraine and CIS coutries: 4th International scientific-practice Internet conference, Poltava, April 16-17, 2014, c.40-47.
ШАРГУ, Л., ФЕДОРЧУКОВА, С. Актуальные аспекты повышения качества потребительских товаров как основные рычаги обеспечения их конкурентоспособности и безопасности. В: Торговля, общественноепитаниеисервис: состояние, развитиеиперспективы: материалымеждунар. науч.-практ. конф., 20 янв. 2014// Actual aspects of improving the quality of consumer goods as the main levers to ensure their competitiveness and security. In: Trade, catering and service: state and development of prospects: materials of scientific-practice conference, January 20, 2014, г. Москва: ООО «ИздательскийдомЦентросоюза», 2014.
Electronic resources
MELINTE C. Oportunități și impedimente ale creării rețelei universitare virtuale în domeniul științelor economice. In: CRUNT-2014: Bunele practici de instruire E-Learning/Online: сonf. şt. intern., 24-27 sept. 2014,// Opportunities and impediments of academic virtual networking in the field of economic scences. In: CRUNT-2014: The good E-Learning/Online training practices: international scientific conference, September 24-27, 2014. Chişinău: UTM, disponibil: